■ Abstracts for poster presentation must be received no late than 07 October 2022.
■ Abstracts must be submitted online via the website only. Abstracts submitted by email will not be considered.
■ You must submit the supplementary materials in the Microsoft word file (*.doc) format. You can download a template file by clicking on the button below.
■ After abstract submission, all authors will receive the acknowledgement of submission by email shortly. If you have not received the acknowledgement of submission within a day, please feel free to contact IWIC 2022 secretariat at iwic.korea@gmail.com.
■ Abstracts may not be edited/updated after final submission.
Review and Registration Instructions
■ The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by referees assigned by the organizing committee .
■ Notification of acceptance or rejection will be e-mailed by 15 October 2022.
■ IMPORTANT NOTE: Each presenter of the accepted abstract is required to register for the conference by 31 October 2022; otherwise the abstract(s) will be withdrawn prior to publication.
Abstract Withdrawal
Should you wish to withdraw your abstract after it has been submitted, please send your request to IWIC 2022 secretariat at iwic.korea@gmail.com.